Add A Background Color To Job Form Fields

In any Form Field, you can change the font, alignment, border color, and the background color.  This can come in handy if you want a Field to stand out.

  1. Go to Settings > Job > Job Forms and click the name of the Form you'd like to edit. 
  2. Click the Form Field you would like to change.
  3. In the "Styles:" section, you can change the color of the border of the Form Field by selecting Cell and choosing a color for the border.

  4. Click Save and you will see the outline of the Form Field is the color you selected.

  5. You can change the color of the Form Field label text and background by selecting Label and assigning a color for the Text Color and/or one for the Background.

  6. Click Save and you will see the text and/or the background of the Form Field label is the color you selected.

  7. You can change the color of text and background of the bottom portion on the Form Field by selecting Value and assigning a color for the Text Color and/or one for the Background.

  8. Click Save and you will see the text and/or the background of the bottom of the Form Field is the color you selected.