Total On-Hand Inventory Value

This article supports Legacy Inventory, previously known as Systemize Inventory Edition, which is supported but no longer available for purchase.

Click here to access the new Moraware Inventory Knowledge Base.

You can create a View of the Inventory page that will show the On Hand Cost for your Inventory.  Save this View and export it each month to keep a snapshot of your inventory value. 

totla on hand inventory view


  1. Click on Inventory from the left side navigation.
  2. Start with your Serial Number Details view. If you do not have a Serial Numbers Details View, create one serial number view
  3. Click Customize > click the Add icon to the right of Display Fields.
  4. Select On Hand Cost, Unit Cost, and any other desired Fields.
    Note: If any (S)Summary Fields are selected remove those as you cannot display both Detail and Summary fields on the same View. 
  5. Click Apply.add display fields to a view