Create A Sales Lead Process And Template

Create a Leads Process to track potential Jobs and Sales activity separate from active Jobs. Use a Lead Template to create Leads quickly with consistent Activities and Forms.

First create a Lead Process, then create a Lead Template.


  1. Go to Settings > Job > Process > +Create.
  2. Enter the Name of the new Process then click Save. Enter the name in singular form, Systemize will make it plural. For example, enter "Lead" for a Leads Process.
  3. Go to Settings > Job > Activity Types to add Activity Types to the Process.
  4. Click Assign Activities to add existing Activity Types to the new Process.
    Click on the +Activity Type icon to create new Activities.
  5. Go to Settings > Job > Forms to create or add existing Forms to the new Process.
  6. Click on the Leads tab at the top.
    Click on the Assign icon to add existing Forms to the new Process.
    Click on the +Create icon to create new Forms.


  1. Go to Settings > Job > Templates > click on the Lead tab at the top.
  2. Click on +Create to create a new Template for this Process.
  3. Name the Template and add any Activities and Forms you want to appear in new Leads when they are created. Click Save.