Use A Checkbox Instead Of A New Activity Type

Most fabricators are looking for ways to ensure that their Jobs proceed according to a set sequence of steps. It can be tempting to create a new Activity Type for every step, but having too many Activity Types can cause confusion and inconsistency. It's usually best to keep Activities for the most critical steps.

When thinking of adding a new Activity you ask yourself: Does this need to be assigned to someone? Does this need to appear on a calendar? If the answer is no, it is often better to capture that information with checkboxes on a Form - or even a couple of different Forms.

This example shows a checkbox added to the Job Checklist for "Sink received". It is not an Activity to be assigned to anyone, it only needs to be tracked to show which Jobs have received their sinks, and which have not.  Checkboxes on Job Form

To add a checkbox to an existing form:

  1. Go to Settings > Job > Job Forms and click on the form you'd like to modify.
  2. Click the + to add a new field.
    Choose Data Type: Checkbox.
  3. Enter a Name and click Save.
    Job Form Fields

To show your new checkbox on your Job View:

  1. Go to Jobs > Views and choose the View you would like to add the checkbox. 
  2. Press Options and click the + to the right of Display Fields.
  3. From the left side list, find the new Form Field under "Form".
  4. Click on the Field name and click Apply.
    Job Field Options

It's easy to see at a glance which Jobs have that Field checked, and which don't. Be sure to save this View for quick access later. See Related Articles for how to save Job Views.

Job view