Create File Types

You can create File Types to help organize your uploaded Files. Then, when you print Activity Packets you'll be able to specify exactly the types of Files you'd like to print.  See Related Articles for more on including specific File Types in your Activity Packet.

To Create the File Type Field

  1. Go to Settings > Job > File Fields.
  2. If you do not have a field called File Type click +Create at the top.
  3. Enter the Name: File Type and choose Data Type: List of Values.
  4. Next to List of Values enter the different File Types you use and click Save.
    create file type field

To Add or Edit File Types

  1. Click the underlined Field File Type
  2. Click the Edit button at the top to Edit the values associated with this field.
  3. Press +Create at the top to add new Values.
  4. Click the underlined File Type to Edit or make Inactive.add or edit file types