Data Types

When you create Fields in Systemize, you can select from pulling info from elsewhere in the Job, adding data via input, or formatting. Below is a summary of each option.

  • Related Info - Display existing fields from your database.
    • Job Info - Job and Account Info fields.
    • Activity Info - Job Activity Info fields such as Date, Start Time, Assignee, etc .
    • Form Info - Fields from other forms within the Job.
  • Data Input - Create new data entry fields.
    • Auto-number - assigns the next available number when the form is added to a job.
    • Checkbox - inserts a checkbox.
    • Currency - for fields you may want to tally or sum on the calendar or reports. Only numbers are allowed. The field prints with a currency symbol and 2 decimal places.
    • Date - ensures a valid date is entered and allows reporting based on dates.
    • Link - use for a hyperlink to a website, or the location of a file or folder on your network. For a website, use the complete address such as For a folder on your local network use the format \\machinename\sharefile\foldername.
      NOTE: The names cannot contain any spaces. Local network links aren't supported by Mozilla Firefox. Use Internet Explorer instead.
    • List of values - use when you want a field to have a  drop-down  list to choose from.
    • Multi-line text - for long data entry fields such as notes.
    • Number - for fields you may want to tally or sum on the calendar or reports. Only numbers are allowed.
      NOTE: Number fields are not searchable. If you need a number field that you can search later, make it a Text Field.
    • Text - for data entry fields up to 80 characters.
  • Formatting adjust how your fields look together.
    • Page break - inserts a page break
    • Separator - for section headers to make the form more readable
    • Static Image - attach a file with the image you want to display. The image must be a BMP, JPEG, GIF or PNG file.
    • Static Text - enter text for display only. Does not allow data entry.