Assignees are different from Users. Not every Assignee needs to be a User, some Users are not Assignees, and some people need to be both.
ASSIGNEES: does not necessarily log in to the system to create or schedule Jobs. They need to see information about work assigned to them, or update information like Job Status for an Activity.
An Assignee is designated to an Activity and can appear on the Calendar, like people's names, teams or even equipment such as "Install Truck 1".
Assignees do not have Roles, and there is no charge for the number of Assignees you create and use. When an Assignee is no longer needed, they can be inactivated, preventing them from being assigned to future work but preserving a record of Activities they were assigned to.
USERS: log into the database to create, edit and schedule Jobs and Activities. They also may create and edit Forms and run Reports. Users need to have the ability to make changes to information in the database.
Users have Roles, so their access and privileges can be modified based on what work they need to do in the system. Each subscription comes with a certain number of Users included, additional Users above that number are an additional charge. See the Systemize Pricing page for more information.
In this example, I've assigned an Activity to George.
George views his schedule on a shared workstation in the shop. Each member of the shop crew has a saved Calendar View.
My shop workstation also has a View with everyone's Activities.