Job View: Jobs With Past Due Activities

Creating and saving a Job Views that lists of all the Jobs that have late Activities that are less than 30 days old can help make sure nothing falls through the cracks. 

Follow the steps below to create a list of any Jobs with assigned Activities dated less than 30 days ago that are not complete or canceled.

  1. Go to Jobs > Customize > delete any existing Filters.
  2. Click the Add Filters icon.
  3. Filter Type: Job Activity Status
    Activity Type: At least one
    Choose an Activity Type. Click the Multiple button (double checkmarks) to select more than one Activity.
    Start Date: On or Before > # of Days Ago > 1
    Status: Is Not Completeapply filter to systemize job view
  4. Click Save > adjust Display Fields to suit your needs >  Apply.
  5. Save this View for quick access in the future.