Job View: Jobs With Upcoming Installs

Creating and saving Job Views to keep track of upcoming Activities is very helpful to keep your shop running smoothly. Below you will find the steps to create a Job View showing Installs that are scheduled in the next three days. You can modify the number of days to show more or less, depending on how far out you want to look.

  1. Go to Jobs > Options.
  2. Press + Filter
    Filter Type:  Job Activity Status
    At least one
    Activity Type:  Install
    Start Date: Click on the "..." icon > Range of Dates
    From: Click on the "..." icon > # of days from today > 0 days from today
    To: Click on the "..." icon > # of days from today > 3 days from today
    Status:  Is Not Complete
  3. Click +Display Fields to select the Fields you want to be included as columns in this View. Remove the columns you don't need so it is easier to focus on what is important. Add any necessary information like City or Zip.
  4. Click Save and then click Apply.
  5. Save this View for quick access in the future.