- Activities created from Job Template 0:18
- Add Job Activity to an existing Job 0:24
- Edit an Activity from Job Details 0:40
- Update Multiple in Job Details View 1:11
- Update Activity from a Job View 1:20
- Update Activity from a Calendar View 1:40
- Schedule an Activity from the Calendar 1:50
- Update Multiple Activities from the Calendar 2:07
Hi. Welcome to Systemize videos. This video will show how to schedule an update Job Activities. It's not going to show you how to create Activity types. So if you need help with that, go to the Systemize knowledge base and search, Create Job Activity Types.
When a Job is created, Activities are automatically added based on the Job Template used. If a Job is created without using a Template, Activities can be manually added by clicking the Add icon, and selecting a single Activity from the dropdown list or several using the Multiple button.
Click on any Activity name to open it. Update the Status ,Start Date, Scheduled Time, Duration, Assignee, and Notes, if needed. It's a good idea to get in the habit of updating Activity Statuses in Systemize as tasks change in real time. A Job can only be completed, or closed, once all the Job Activities in the Job have a Status of complete or canceled.
Click on any Activity name to make updates. Use the Complete Multiple icon to complete or cancel more than one Activity at the same time. Activities can also be scheduled from a Job or Calendar View. From a Job View, click on the underline date, or where it says "No Date", for any Activity. Changes made will be immediately visible in the Job View and updated in Job Details, and all other Job and Calendar Views.
Let's look at scheduling and updating Activities from the Calendar. Click on any existing Activity to make edits. To add an unscheduled Job Activity from the Calendar, click on any open space, and select Insert Job Activity.
Search for the Job Name and select it. Then click on an Activity to schedule. The Activity must already exist in the Job in order to schedule from the Calendar.
If you need to update a few Activities at the same time, click on the Select Multiple icon. Then click on the activities to select them. Then click the Update Multiple icon to select a status. Thanks for stopping by.